Heaven- first initial notes

Heaven was released on 14th August 2011 by Virgin Records. The song is written about the younger generation growing up too fast and being influenced by friends, family, the media and education. This can be a good thing, because they are pushing you for a challenge, however, others follow influencers that lead them to do bad things. 'Heaven' has connotations of christianity and church. This suggests t h at many try to do good things in life to get on God's 'good side' and eventually go to heaven when they die. Heaven is a song about people trying to good in their lives, even though many may make bad decisions, people are just trying to live their lives to the fullest and not hurt anyone or follow any bad influences. The music video features Emeli herself singing the lyrics, but also shows scenes of the homeless, elderly, and children living in bad homes. We also see the sky and church to reflect the connotations of 'heaven'.