BBC R1- contexts

Cultural Contexts


  • Popular/youth culture is seen as having lower cultural status than others making it harder for BBC R1 to meet the rules
  • Live music seen as more culturally vqaluanle
  • Culture secretary (John Wittingdale) told parliament the BBC sets international standards of quality- draws the country together.
  • British actors wrote to David Cameron reminding him of the importance to BBC to national life- a diminished BBC means a diminished country.
  • listening to linear is no longer part of youth culture. Audience have migrated online
  • Digital audiences prefer user generated content- control over what they listen to
Political Contexts
  • The license fee is essentially a tax so conservative don't support it
  • BBC= left wing creator- but BBC is meant to be non bias
  • People get upset if BBC sides with a party/someone
  • Funding an entertainment station is a political issue as there is economic pressures on government spending
  • revelations about huge salaries on presenters and pay gap on genders put pressure on stations
  • Calls to privatise R1 also put pressure on them
  • A
  • R1 must justify its existence/prove its worth the money because it is funded.
Economic contexts

  • PSB's don't need to worry about falling listening figures but they still are relevant
  • Some commercial stations say its unfair the BBC dominates the industry
  • The younger generation (15-29) are listening to less and less radio- number of 16-24s reached by radio has fallen by 15%
  • Falling listeners hurt most radio institutions because they are commercial
  • BBC can cross promote across social media platforms to address falling listening figures.
  • The overall budget for BBC is £3 billion and £57 million goes to BBC R1 each year
  • £653 million goes to BBC radio has a whole each year


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