Stranger Things- Media Language
Primary Audience: (First 8 minutes)
Mise en scene:
- Gender- neutral (slightly more men)
- Age- 15-37 year olds
- Interests- LFTVD/sci-fi's/ 80's nostalgia
- Socio-economic status- A-E
Secondary Audience:
- people who enjoy sci-fi's
- people who enjoy retro games
- people who enjoy spielberg films
- people who enjoy 80's novels (stephen king)
- people who enjoy 80's horrors
Reception Theory (Stuart Hall)
- media texts are encoded and decoded. The producer encodes messages and value into their media texts and the audience decodes it.
-Dominant(preferred): audience agreed with the messages in the text
-Negotiated- neither agrees or disagrees. It accepts the producers views but also has their own views.
Oppositional- when the audience rejects the preferred reading.
- The series has a strong, online fan base
- Fans often create negotiated readings of the text
- Fans as textual poachers - selecting part of the text that appeal to them, and using them as part of their 'we-media' products (prosumers)- This includes fan videos, fan art, social media accounts
Marketing, advertising and promotion:
- the marketing used a lot of different methods to create visibility and word of mouth
- methods mixed above and below the line techniques
- targeted a range of potential audiences
- fans were essential to the marketing process- etc their fan art shared across the official stranger things accounts. (First 8 minutes)
Mise en scene:
- Doctor uniform (science) in a institution
- dark lighting- warm lighting
- 80's costume- kids
- Lighting on and off- eerie
Sound (diegetic):
- crickets
- alarm
- sprinklers
sound (non-diegetic)
- none in basement
- sound bridge
- horn(music) sounds
camera shots:
- arial shot
- close up
- establishing shot
- two-shot
- master shot
- over-the-shoulder
editing (cuts/transitions etc)
- cut from institution to sprinklers to basement
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