Music Video revision lesson 2

Locations: Mainly outdoor shots- gives it an urban feel and realistic As we move through the video we see religious connotations- church etc The focus becomes less on her and more on the people around her and the environment which shows that she is sentimental and she is giving a message Ending scene is dark which may represent sins or negativity in today's society Starting scene- she is inside which connotates that she is trapped or hidden Media language terms: Cross cutting- 12 Close up-5 Tracking shot-3 Low angle-9 Rule of Thirds-7 dissolve-1 juxtaposition-2 fade-6 Jump cut-11 Graphic match-10 action match-4 connotations-8 Heaven- Emeli Sande Intended star image- she is a strong, independent and authentic artist who could be using religion to get her out of a dark place She is unique and different from other celebrities- shes very urban and is familiar with environments and social groups who aren't rich and happy How does the video for Heaven use media language to constr...