News Trial exam context

 Jan 4th Mock exam

The Guardian:

  • Independant Scott Trust, liberal, progressive
  • Reader funding model- donations on webstite
  • Hard news
  • Shirky's end of audience theory suggests we are more likely to interact with products as active audiences and talk to the internet. This is certainly seen on the Guardian's website which actively promotes debate and involvement in on the web page
Daily Mail
  • The Daily Mail world View/politics- The Mail supports a free market economy, and British traditions such as the Royal Family, the church and the army. They supported Brexit
  • Owned by DMGT- a media oligopoly
  • Populism is favoured over in- depth debate/ comment pieces but "below the line" is popular
  • Curran and Seaton- the mail follows the capitalist pattern of increasing concentration in the ownership of a few hands
Q3. Explain how the political context in which newspapers are produced, influences their ownership and regulation. Refer to the Guardian and Daily Mail newspapers to support your answer [10 marks]
(could be economic contexts or technological advances)


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