Political Context of the news industry- further reading

How well does the UK's media industry support democratic politics - article

How well does the UK's media system support democratic Politics and represent citizen's interests?

Key points:

What does liberal democracy require of a media system?

  • The media system should be diverse and pluralistic, including different media types, operating under a system of regulation, designed to foster free competition for audiences, and a strong accountability of media producers to citizens and public opinion.
  • Regulation should guard against the distortions of competition introduced by media ogilopolies.
  • A free press is a key part of media pluaralism- privately owned newspapers, with free entry of competitors and forms of regulation, by government and the law
  • The overall media system should provide citizens with political information at a safe cost
Media ownership
  • A diversity of media ownership has been seen as important because of the strong political orientation of national newspaper titles
  • Elected politicians may want to keep powerful media owners onside and so give them the benefit of the doubt in regulatory decisons
Press regulation
  • UK newspapers maintained for many years a very weak apparatus of 'self regulation', which collapsed in the wake of a major scandal: news reporters 'hacking' into celeberities and politicians phones to uncover their personal life
  • It deemed that the old regulator PCC wasnt fit for purpose and it was dissolved. But Leveson's call for an independant, self-regulatory body to create and uphold a new standards code for the media failed to get press co-operation
  • The only government created is IMPRESS, which regulates over 100 local newspapers (leveson recommended)
  • Most national newspapers have joined IPSO, however the Financial Times and The Guardian chose to set up their own regulator for complaints, citing worries about IPSO's independance and the royal charter model that underpins it.


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