News Question 4 essay

Evaluate the usefulness of one of the following theories in understanding audiences for online newspapers  such as the Guardian and The Daily mail [10] Shirky end of audience or Gerbners cultivation theory

Shirky's end of audience theory is very relevant in today's world of online newspapers like the Guardain and the Daily Mail. The Theory comments that audiences now  active, instead of fixed or passive. We are now on the same hierarchy as producers, in the sense we can share, comment and like on online news articles. This helps the audience connect with the producers and editors. 

There are over 1000 people who have commented on an article in MailOnline of Gordon Ramsay flouting lockdown rules with his son as he visits the shops. These comments are a mix of positive and negative ones, as people like to share their opinion with others. This suggests that there isnt a very passive audience in society today, because they like to express themselves. In a way, it makes the audiences feel more connected with the online newspaper and that they are part of it because they can interact with it. 
This is the same for Guardian Online too, 679 people have commented on an article of the governments lockdown plan, with many shares too, showing that both websites are very popular and the audience do want to feel involved with their online newspaper they trust.

However, on the other hand, Shirky's end of audience theory could be argued that it isnt useful for undertstanding the audiences for online newspapers because the only user generated part of the Guardian online and mail online is the comment section at the bottom. The Audience read the published content by the professional editors of the paper, so its very limited as to what the audience can do with the stories. The audience dont make up the news articles, they just have their opinion at the bottom which is hidden below the story. Its clear that on other sites such as Snapchat, its more freedom for the audiences as they can still comment and share etc, but also produce the content as well, meaning that is more active and creative for audiences than online newspapers are. 

Ultimatley, Shirkys theory offers a helpful interpretation of how newsbrands have adapted over the years to connect with audiences and involve them, as well as how they want to have a greater relationship with them and encourage them to interact with the story, however it doesn't include the production of the story which limits the use of the story. He is also only a audience theory so we cant involve him with industry etc.


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