Newspaper representations

Analyse the representations constructed in sources A and B:

  • In source A, The telegraph constructs a mixed representation, that is mostly sympathetic and uses positive steriotypes, however portrays a negative stereotype about the royal familys emotions about the situation.
  • It does this through the use of headlines, and use of words in its copy. For example, the headline: "Harry and Meghan quit the firm" is professional and has the general conevntions of a tabloid newspaper where it talks about the event, not having a stereotype, and in the copy it decribes the familys emotions that they are dissappointed and sad at the departure, however their plans reveal that they will still remain with their royal titles as working individuals.
  • This evokes its target audince, who are ABC1 skilled professionals, to respond positively and think deeply about the article and positions the audience to feel sympathetic for the pair.
  • Van Zoonen might argue that men and women are represented differently in the media, as shown that people have targeted Meghan as she is from a different ethnicity and country, where she has no link to royalty(she was previously an actress) and so people will present her as negatively because she 'never belonged' to the royal family and is now moving back to her home country, with her family. The Telegraph dont construct this type of representation of Meghan, following its conventions of a sensible broadsheet newspaper.
  • Conversley in source B, The Sun constructs a negative representation on the event, by using negative stereotypes and the use of media language to emphasise it.
  • It does this through its languge choice and the layout of the paper. E.g. Its informal language used in the headline and sub-headline, suggets that the Sun is mocking Harry and Meghan, and involving the Queens comment that she wouldve preferred they remained, to have a greater significance on their viewpoint. The sun use a stereotypical British accent to 'farewell' the pair, because they are moving to the US.
  • This evokes its target audience who are low skilled, C,D and E audiences, to think negatively of them and mock the pair as well. Their use of childish language makes the readers want to read it as they think it is funny and laughable.
  • Van zoonens theory is present in source B as in a way, the sun is implying that Meghan never belonged in the UK and has forced her family to live their too, giving Meghan a bad stereotype.


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