
Representations work by enforcing or reinforcing stereotypes

-A stereotype is a characterization of an individual or group that has certain features. They work as symbolic codes or signs. They can be positive or negative, but they're often generalized and inaccurate. They become accepted in society because of the frequency in which they are used.
-Barthes, creater of semiology, suggests that the values associated with stereotypes are in fact myths.

Representations can be made through:

  • Class
  • Age
  • Gender          → CAGED
  • Ethnicity
  • Disability
Often these CAGED representations are useful for starting points for analysing media messages.
-When analysing texts, always consider;
  • which stereotypes are positive
  • which are negative
  • what are the messages communicated as a result
For example, Middle-class, educated white men will always be seen as positive in comparison to teenage boys, blonde woman and asylum seekers.

-The ASA (Advertising standards agency) banned the 2019 Volkswagen and Philadelphia adverts because they were stereotypical:
-The new rules say that you cant have gender-stereotypical adverts.

Stuart Hall:
-He was born in Columbia, Studied in Oxford
-He looked at the power of race,gender and class in media- he confirmed it was absent.
- "bloggers of Tunisia" - young people created blogs which meant the government couldn't control it.
-if you want to understand media, you have to challenge it and make your own assumption
- Hall suggests producers attempt to encode a preferred meaning, but it is up to the audience to find the real media.

Archetype- A very typical example of a certain person or thing/ the original model of something which others have copied
Counter type- A positive stereotype and emphasises the positive features of a person
Ideology- A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic/political theory and policy/ a set of beliefs/ideas that you subscribe to

Stuart Hall- concept of the other:
- the idea that media representations define a 'norm' which they encourage the audience to identify with and portray those outside the 'norm' as 'others'.

Example: "immigrants grab our jobs"       - it builds an us vs them ideology and emphasises                                                                  ↑                     difference. The idea that men & women are defined                                                                                by a series of opposite.
If your reality is permeated with hyper real images, your reality becomes distorted. we live in an unobtainable hyper reality in which the unreal is more real than reality itself.

Hyper real Simulacra- Jean Baudrillard
(Example = an Irish pub)
- Irish pubs are in every city all over the world. Customers know what to expect when they go to an Irish pub- most are 'more Irish' than pubs in Ireland.

Feminist Theory- Liesbet Van Zoonan:
- she suggests that we live in a patriarchal society dominated by men.
- Women are often represented as accessories to men and are seen as objects
-Often women's bodies are seen as their most powerful and only tool.

"representations in media are often simplistic and reinforce dominant ideologies so that audience can make sense of them"
I think this is true because they try and create a 'norm' in the media to falsely represent the subjects they are reflecting.

Rather than examining media representations as simply reflecting or mirroring "reality," we examine how media representations serve to "re-present" or to actually create a new reality.

Construction: the way a media text is put together. For example, in a tv programme, it includes the choice of editing, place of camera and in newspapers is the layout of text and the use of images.

Mediation: the process everything goes through before it reaches the audience. this can be how many times a script is written and re-written before it meets the producer. This is because its important for them to get it right so that the audience will enjoy the content.

Selection: What been selected to be included in the media text. This is important for newspaper articles where selecting certain facts can change peoples opinions.

Anchorage: the words that go along with images to give pictures a certain meaning in a specific context.


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