Big Issue- lesson 4

 Intertextuality- reference to another text which the audience are meant to make links between (subtle jokes etc)

The BI use intertextuality very liberally because it represents the audience values and their cultural contexts of what they understand.

Big Issue and Politics:

Fundamentally, the Big Issue are continuously critical of politicians, big businesses, banks and their inability to attack the big issues.

*The big issue doesn't support any party*- they will come after any party who don't address and change social issues (hold politicians of every stripe to account) 

  • Target mission is to dismantle poverty and fight for social inclusion
  • They offer business solutions to social problems- ethical capitalism
  • They do this by giving those in poverty a hand up to become vendors and set up their own micro business. 
Explain why magazines outside the commercial mainstream construct alternative representations. Refer to the big issue in your answer (10)
  • They are outside the commercial mainstream because their purpose is different to others in the sense they are running a non-for-profit organisation to dismantle poverty and bring social issues to real life
  • It is owned by Gordon Roddick and John Bird who both realised the bad homeless situation in London and wanted to change this through raising underrated issues which are pushed aside in the mainstream and government

  • Donald trump here is represented as negative- Donald trumps over quoted use of fake news
  • greatest show on earth uses a serif font which is traditional so reinforces the cultural representation of shows etc in Britain
  • Flake news in sans serif font so it is simple and easy to read for the audience- helps put message across

  • intertextual reference to British culture with 99 flake which communicates the potential impact trump could have on British culture
  • Hamilton puff and reference juxtaposes a melting Trump with a triumphant and shining Hamilton, positioned as the sun. This helps the producer mock Trump's position as president of the USA
  • Fake news- flake news: the play on words provides a humorous but politically serious message about Trump and his attitude towards the media. it invites the reader not to take him seriously as the combination of the image and text is funny
  • Mention about anxiety and mental health shows that the big issue to acknowledge that this is a real social issue currently, replaying their ethos and ideologies of helping vulnerable people
  • Construct trump as a white, male, middle class, conservative member of the dominant group who would usually be presented positively in mainstream media. In order to reinforce their values, the producers of this image have constructed a negative stereotype of trump as a leading political figure, which invites the reader to laugh at him
  • By focusing the front cover on trump it appears as though that is the only dominant group, however the use of a 99 flake ice cream is a visual representation of Britain and the use of puff to reference Hamilton represents American History and politics. This shows the British and American people are represented as being affected by Trump and the Dominant group


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