Jungle Book- Exam techniques

Example Question:

Explain how the changes in production and/or distribution have affected the film industry. Refer to Disney's 1967 and 2016 versions of The Jungle Book to support your answer

  • Specific key dates and facts- relevant to question
  • Directly answer the question
  • Macro context- then narrow it down
  • Link ideas back to success of Disney, and how they have been able to maintain and grow their audience
  1. Highlight key phrases in the question
  2. What is the question asking you- what are the differences in the production/distribution of both Jungle books and how have they made Disney successful?
  3. What information will be relevant here:

Example 1:
  • I think this example got 3, its a very minimal response, and doesn't explain the question properly. 
  • To include, they should develop their ideas and context, as well as talking about the industry as a whole.

Example 2:
  • This example is better because it mentions macro information (industry), and includes more of a wider context including audience and key dates and facts.

Example 3:
  • I think they achieved 10/11 marks for this answer. it his highly detailed and the knowledge is relevant and important to the question
  • It discusses context and the IMPACT on the audience.


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