News question 4- notes

Evaluate question: Evaluate the usefulness in understanding audiences for online newspapers such as the Guardian and The Daily Mail [10]
Gerbner's cultivation theory or skirkys end of audience theory

Gerbner- cultivation theory:

  • The media generally tends to repeat representations of people and groups of people over and over again
  • The effect of this representation on audiences can build up over time
  • If there is a repetition of a certain representation of someone or a group of people, the audience are forced to believe it and accept it as realistic
  • The effect of this creates an idea in society of the ideologies and perspectives of someone else 
Shirky- end of audience theory:
  • There is no longer a passive audience- an audience who mindlessly watches a film and dont think about it
  • We are now active audiences-we like to share, like , post etc
  • Technology has made us more active and we now expect to like content and expect a certain level of interaction with products
  • Print is declining because audiences prefer to like, share and comment online rather than on print
  • Audiences like to speak back to producers- we can communicate and give feedback. This gives more equality to power and equalizes the hierarchy there used to be with producers being at the top.
Online papers
  • Due to decline in print news, newspapers have gradually moved content online over the past 10 years or so
  • Online advertising is now more lucrative than print advertising (make more money)
  • Some newsbrands like The Times and The Telegraph have paywalls where you have to pay to read content online. The Guardian and mailonline do not, so they rely on ads to make revenue.
  • Guardian and mail online have very similar online audiences. This could speak to the proliferation of the internet and technology
Mailonline and Daily Mail:
  • Separate companies
  • It is editorially different-so can appeal to a different audience which enables DMGT to reach a wider market across print and online platforms. It is more gossipy than print
  • Much younger demographic- online
  • international audience- mailonline, from USA
  • each day it produces 2000 articles, 900 videos, 30,000 photos
  • Readership of DM print is 2.5 million and online is 15.5 million
  • Mailonline only have 10 dealings with IPSO per week from 14,000 articles - quite low given mails reputation
  • still a right- wing agenda but more a entertainment site than hard news
  • More stories are individualized
Guardian online:
  • 24.4 million monthly users
  • 33% aged 15-34, 67% 25+
  • Younger audience than print so company can reach wider audience
  • ABC1 educated, culturally aware audience
  • more liberal audience than mailonline
  • Claim to be UK's N01 most trusted newsbrand
  • 13.7 million weekly readers- 5.4 million daily
  • 87%trust what they read on guardian online, 79% feel close to it
  • audience- 16% print, 16 %desktop, 47% mobile, 10% tablet


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