News Representation-Ownership and implications

News paper 1 section A- 45 marks

Daily Mail and representation:
Because the daily mail is a mid-market tabloid, it has to cover current affairs as well as soft stories such as royals, celebrities, or entertainment.
It relies on:
  1. Sensationalised personal and emotive journalism
  2. prioritising positive representations of individuals in a dominant social group, traditional family values, british culture, right wing ideas and conservatives
  3. prioritising negative representations of minority groups
The Guardian and representation:
  • Ownership model means it exists to promote objective, progressive, liberal journalism- free from the need to please an owner to achieve mass sales
  • Liberal and internationalist
  • focus on reporting global and national current affairs and important social issues
  • seeks to represent social groups and issues objectively
  • prioritizes positive representations of left wing issues and individuals
  • Be critical of the dominant political group- conservative 
Example paragraph:
The selection and combination of issues, events, social groups and individuals represented in reflects the papers ownership. Both papers convey the story of knife crime but offer different representations. In source A, The Guardian constructs a representation of knife crime as dangerous and action needs to be taken. This can be shown in the Headline: "Abso-style orders to tackle knife violence". The meaning of this headline shows that they are taking it seriously and want to get the message across. They have also included a image of the latest victim with the caption of who he was etc. The seriousness taken to support the end of knife crime is heavily shown in Source A.
In contrast, Source B represents knife crime to be not as serious with the splash- " wild west london" this has informal language making it seem like they are mocking or just not making any effort towards it. The idea that they haven't included a lot of information about it and have included a main image for another article about celebrities portrays it to seem that knife crime isnt a dangerous matter, compared to source A. 
Both papers representations of knife crime could've been affected by the papers ownership and institution. For example, The Guardians ownership is the scotts trust who protect the newspaper and the paper should promote liberal journalism as well as promoting important social issues. The Guardian have presented this in their front cover by issuing the problems of knife crime (social issues) and trying to find ways to improve it. They also support the labour party, who are interested in in it and said they would tackle it if there was ever a labour government. This shows the interest in their determination to get rid of it and make the country safer. In contrast, The Daily Mail is owned by Lord Rothermere who support the conservative political view. Although the Tory government has been in control for many years, knife crime has been a reoccurring social issue over the years, suggesting that they haven't done anything major to help improve it. This is contrasted with the Daily Mail's sensitive and emotional journalism which they rely on for their mid-market tabloid genre.
To conclude, Ownership has had a lot of influence on the way they represent stories because their political views affect what they write about, in this case its knife crime. They determine what is included and how they portray the stories. It is clear to see the Guardian is more social because the scott trust is a company which purpose was to secure the independence of the guardian.


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