News- Ownership, finance and technology

This refers to who financially supports and produces the paper. Newspaper owners may acquire more than one brand which helps the owner target different audiences, so gaining a bigger share in the market.

There are different media ownership models:
  1. Media Barons- Wealthy individuals or proprietors who own the paper or a 'group' of similar papers/related media
  2. Truts- A legal arrangement whereby finances from the owner are transferred to a 'trustee' to manage and control the running of the newspaper under certain conditions.
  3. Cross media converged conglomerates- huge global institutions that own numerous media outlets and subsidiaries, working alongside each other to profit the owners of the conglomerate. These may be owned by media barons.
Since the 1980's, the ownership of news has became very concentrated, with less competition and diversity of opinion as a result.

In the UK, the print industry is run by 7 companies. Almost 60% of the market share is owned by News UK and DMG media:

 Economic models and funding

  • In 2015, the UK newspaper industry contributed £5.3 billion to Britain's gross value added (GVA) and supports 87,500 jobs in the UK.
  • Print newspaper production is financed in a number of different ways. The two main forms of funding are through sales and advertising revenue.
Circulation sales:
  • 14.3 million people read the papers each day
  • 81% of a newspapers revenue comes from print circulation sales
  • A daily newspaper costs between 30p and £2.70
  • The cost of a national weekend paper ranges from 80p to £3.80
  • Advertisers pay for space in a paper
  • Advertising in a national paper is very expensive and are dependent on the papers circulation and audience
  • The cost of a full page colour advert in the daily mail is £30,000
  • 75% of readers are more likely to read an advert in print than online
Subscriptions and donations:
  • Online subscription feeds known as paywalls, help pay for online services and also fund print papers
  • reader donations or memberships
The Owner:
  • Media barons like Rupert Murdoch (owns news UK) have money to invest
  • Owners portfolios will include other news titles and/or media products or platforms. The Profit made from these is invested across the portfolio
However, the British news industry is facing a crisis and many national newspapers have seen a sharp decrease in print circulation as more people have access to online ones.
The daily telegraphs daily circulation figures dropped by 23% between June 2017-2018. This shows circulation sales and revenue must be revised in order for print to survive.
In the year to 2015 print advertising in UK newspapers fell by 11% to £1.2 billion - a loss of £155 million in ad spend. (Nonetheless, £1.2 billion is still substantial.)
 It is estimated that digital revenues plugged 25% of the shortfall. Meanwhile over the same period, internet advertising grew by 17.3% to £8.6 billion

Technological developments
Many developments such as introduction of colour and offset printing, have benefited owners, making newspapers more appealing to audiences.
Since the 1980's, rapid developments in digital technology- hardware, software and converged devices has significantly changed the relationship between news owners and their audiences.

1980's- computers, printers and desktop publishing (DTP) programs
  • Audience have power to create their own print but little opportunity to distribute it
  • Owners still control production/distribution on a mass scale
1990's- the internet
  • Audiences have more control over the information they receive from a greater range of services at little/no cost
  • more competition- growing availability for information
2000's- broadband, web 2.0, smartphones, apps, HD cameras
  • Audiences can upload their own media, access info online and on smartphones
  • Audiences can produce own news as citizen journalists
  • owners no longer in control the circulation of information.
In order to remain relevant for audiences and to tackle falling sales of print copies, owners have expanded their titles online, to become known to news outlets. This has had great advantages for owners:
  1. Production- via websites reduces environmental costs with paper ink
  2. Distribution- via internet reduces cost of physical distribution and can reach global audiences
  3. Circulation- via websites and mobile allows audiences to access news and advertising online through apps and social media. This increases overall circulation figures.


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