Hawkins article

The idea of a village being safer for kids than a city has been the ideal message for many years, however, a place is only seen as safe when compared to one that is unsafe.
. If population size is the determining factor of safety,  Alaska has a higher murder rate than New York City,the assumption that Americans who live in certain places are inherently kinder and better people than those who live elsewhere.
Storytellers of the Gothic tempt us with the single-minded idea of small town goodness but underneath there is something sinister about it- letting us believe that a typical american high school seems innocent to be invaded by the bad, rendering the community's fear of anyone who looks or seems different than them.
The cast said that stranger things season 2 is much more darker and will draw more from horror movie sources.
Nightmare on Elm street and Halloween are both social critiques of neighborly small communities whereas Gremlins show that small towns are filled with monsters and creatures to either let them at night or let in outsiders is to tempt danger.
In one of Ronald Reagens 1984 re-election campaigns, it featured white Americans in white american small towns doing things that seem to be from 1950's
The duffer brothers and their team have displayed self-awareness around making TV seem like its from the past-racial and sexual stereotyping has been avoided and Eleven is a present day constructed creation from a present day understanding of what young women are capable of.
However, they have created Hawkins as what old horror movies would've presented it as-that small towns are where good people live and monsters are twice as terrifying when they attack the good people and shatter what we falsely perceive as small town america.
Stranger things unintentionally works off of what we may be amassing just outside the town limits of what we consider "real honest america" 
In gearing up for the next chapters and the five-season arc the Duffers reportedly want the series to take, let's remember that the portrayal of Hawkins, Indiana, circa Halloween 1984, contained many of the same dark tendencies as complicated, fractured America of today.


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