The Killing - introduction

Basic Storyline:

  1. Nanna runs away from a pursuer
  2. Sarah Lund moves out of her office
  3. Pernille calls Theis to fix the dishwasher
  4. Politicion Troels Hartmann vists the grave of his dead wife.
  5. Lisa texts Nanna
  6. Theis shows Vagn his new house 
  7. The body of Nanna is shown in the boot of a car.

Sarah Lund - dectective                                

Jan Meyer- 2nd detective                                      

Troels Hartmann - politician - campaigning for mayor


  Nanna Birk Larson  - missing victim                           


 Theis Birk Larson - victims dad

Vagn skae baek  - theis's friend/work buddy                             


Pernille  Birk Larson   - victims mum           

Rie Skargaard  -   troels adviser             


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