Heaven media language analysis homework

Media Language:

  • A street setting
  • A young man, sitting outside a doorway
  • Dressed in a tracksuit
  • Wide shot- showing the scenario and his action in a clear view
  • Dark lighting- opposite of heaven and light.
Connotations and meanings:
The street setting in London has everyday scenes with real people in it. This scene has an emphasis that its a tough environment, meaning that Sande grew up in a negative place but found her positivity from heaven (church/flowers/clouds scenes) and her music.
The camera shot (wide angle) shows in a clear view the young man and where he is sat, which could mean that he is hopeless and maybe tired of life, making us feel sympathy for him. This might make sande's brand image seem she is independent but strong, as she has overcame obstacles in her way to get where she is now.

Media language:
  • street/bridge environment- seems harsh/troubled
  • Man wondering around 
  • Dark lighting again- dark place,dark mind
  • Graffiti on walls- bad place-crime
  • Shadows- hell- contrasting with heaven and light.
Connotations and meanings:
This scene could mean that there are sins (bad influences) all around us and it distracts us from being good (heaven) that we end up doing bad things, even though we have good intentions. 
We don't know if heaven is real or not and religion is being neglected- church ruins etc. There is temptations in life that ruins religion as the church isn't powerful enough to stop it.
Bad influences could include money, sex, drugs or even people who are abusive/bad influences that affect us and pressure us into doing bad things (hell).
We need to learn how to control it and to focus on our own intentions and what we want to achieve in life.
This could represent Sande's brand image because it presents her as being strong and religious that has helped her become who she is.

Media Language:
  • Added light/coloured circles
  • Apartment
  • The artist herself (Emeli sande)
  • She is not like other artists- different image
  • Black clothing - contrasts with heaven- challenges it
  • close-up/mid shot
Connotations and meanings:
This scene is authentic because it features Emeli in it, which makes the video more personal and serious. We only see her performing the song, which makes her seem more of a solo artist in her own light, and that she isnt interested in the fame and power other singers have- only interested in her music. The close up camera shot is used to show real expression and that she isnt sexualised- not showing her full body.
The added effects on the shots are deliberatly added for multiple reasons; to maybe represent the light from heaven and god, that he is trying to help people in life and make their lives better and get them out of a dark place and also its authentic and other artists dont include it, making Emeli seem more original and real than other people- she is very personal and interested in making her music seem like her as a person.
She isnt a 'cookie cutter'- she is soulful and urban, which isnt as popular as pop or rock for example.


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