ST & TK audience

Audience- the reaction to the text and what happens after. It includes messages and how they are communicated to different groups of people differently.

What is the effect of Nostalgia?
It makes people feel more socially connected to others. This then boosts the positivity of people's feelings about themselves.

Nostalgia marketing:
• There’s a lot that can be taken away from the wild success of Stranger Things and the nostalgic products and entertainment that have emerged over the past few years.

• A study conducted by the Journal of Consumer Research discovered, people actually spend more money when they are feeling nostalgic. Because of this, there's been an increasingly popular trend among smart brands to engage in what is now called: 'nostalgia marketing'.
Millennial Pull:
The millennial generation represnts 20% of US population and have an annual buying income of $200 billion. The series revived a plethora of nostalgic memories, especially of 80s movies such as E.T. and Goonies, but with fantastically fresh storytelling that instantly captivated millions of viewers and turned the series into an overnight cult classic. 
End of Audience Theory-Shirky:
Technological developments have changed the relationship between audiences and media producers. 
We are now more likely to use internet and other technologies to respond to texts, including creating our own.

Stranger Things and social media:
It has enabled fans to continue to immerse themselves in the series through hashtags etc
  • #weareallbarb, #justiceforbarb, #worldupsidedown
Theory: Fandom Henry Jenkins

Stranger Things and Fandom:
  • Stranger things has a strong fan base
  • fans often create negotiated readings of the text
  • Fans are essential in the marketing process-etc their fan art shared by stranger things social media accounts
Stranger Things audience:
  • 18-49 year olds- male and female
The Killing

How are audiences in US and Denmark different?
How did audiences get engaged with the Killing?
  • DR set up a dedicated website during the original series which let people cast votes on who was the murderer
  • A blog in the guardian in UK accompined the series
  • Another wesbite allowed people to write what Sarah Lund meant to them.
The Killing audience and audience positions:

  • 25-55, ABC1, male and female
  • signisifcant female demographic - audience identification with a working mother
  • Culturally literate- familiar with Nordic Noir but also the conventions of a police procedural crime drama
  • Self esteem- The Killing became a 'must see' TV  and recieved critical aclaim
  • BBC4 audiences- expectations of a well written, original, quality drama.
Media Effects theory- Bandura:
Bandura believes that the media can have a direct influence on the values and behavior of audience members. The media can also have an indirect influence through social networks.
He argues that audiences may imitate behaviours they see in the media.

Cultivation Theory- Gerbner:
Gerbner suggets that the media can influence the audience over a long period of time. Gerbner found that people who watch a lot of TV are more likely to have a more negative view of the world (mean world syndrome) than people who did not watch a lot of TV.
People who watch a lot of TV were likely to have similar views - called mainstreaming.


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