BBC- British broadcasting corporation- A public service broadcaster (PSB)
- It is not controlled by the Government and paid for by us via the TV license fee with most of us pay for £154.40 each year
- You must pay the fee if you want to watch TV or listen to the radio
- A black and white TV license is £52
- If you do not have a license you could face prosecution
- Radio 1 is a key supporter of BBC introducing and features Brit list and BBC sound of. In 2019/20 R1 will miantain its support of new and home-grown music with 50% music played during daytime hours being new, and 45% of daytime music played from the UK.
- The BBC is trying to compete with Netflix and Sky, as well as other media providers.
"radio 1's remit is to entertain young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. Its target audience is 15-29 year olds. It should offer:
- a range of new music
- supporting emerging artists- especially those from the UK
- provide a platform for live music
- news, documentaries and advice campaigns should cover areas of relevance to young adults
- broadccast at least 40 new documentaries each year
- offer at least 2 major social action campaigns"
This is for R1 day time as a whole, not just R1BS
The radio 1 playlist:
Radio 1 make a playlist by committees to entertain young audiences with a range of new music and supporting emerging artists each week.
This is paid for by a family member of around £150 a year
What is Radio 1's role as a PSB?
- They need to entertain a young audience with playlists which feature popular british music which will attract customers
- Radio 1 is funded by the BBC- PSB so they can afford to lose listeners, but not quality as it would ruin Radio 1's brand reputation.
-Lord Reith (creater of BBC) wanted the BBC to 'inform, educate and entertain'- which means BBC radio has to cover this through all 10 stations.
-Radio 1 must fulfil the Reithion values and meet OFCOM'S requirements:
- impartial news and information
- education
- high quality, distinctive programmes
- reflecting, representing and serving all communities across Britain
- supporting cultural industries
- reflecting UK and its values over the world
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