Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

Genre Conventions:

Broadsheet: largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages.

  • Aims more for a ABC1 audience
  • Professional and sophisticated- "black top"
  • Densely packed pages with lots of information and minimal images- appeal to older readers
  • Contains business, politics, major world events- Factual
  • "quality press"
  • Event > emotion
Papers include: Daily Telegraph (R); The Guardian (L); The independent (L); The Times (R)

Tabloid: a newspaper with a compact page size, smaller than broadsheet
  • Exaggerated- "tabloideese" language and pun-based
  • "Red top" lots of colour
  • less sophisticated to appeal to national readers age (9 years old)
  • large, dramatic pictures with little information
  • Human interest stories- personal and focus on 1 person
  • special offers and vouchers
  • appeals directly to reader emotion
Papers include: Daily Mirror (L); The Sun(R); The Star

Mid Market Papers: Daily Mail(R); The Daily Express (R) - entertainment but covers important events.

Left Wing: supports social equality, radical and reformist- Labour
Right Wing: The conservative or reactionary section- Capitalism 

Tabloidization; When a newspaper is altered into a tabloid format. Most news publications focus on affairs such as politics and what is termed as hard news. When this is transformed into mostly celebrity gossip and entertainment news, it resembles more of a tabloid publication. This can either hurt or improve the ratings of a publication, depending on the audience and the nature of the content that was originally published.

The broadsheets have a higher news content than the 'red tops', cost more to buy and have a lower circulation. The style of writing differs from tabloids with longer sentences and paragraphs, and more articles offering in-depth analysis.
Tabloids and broadsheets produce Sunday editions.
These tend to have supplements- additional sections - with a more specialized focus which can include magazines on culture, lifestyle and finance.
Local newspapers are also published daily and weekly in all regions of the UK.


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