Media Language

Media Language
- With language, always consider the following:
1)Which modes are used in media texts? i.e print, moving image, words
2)Which tools are used within each mode? i.e camera angles, font, colour
3)What meanings and effects do they convey? i.e the connotations of the media language

Camera Angles:
High Angle - makes object seem small, insignificant or vulnerable

Low Angle- makes the object seem powerful, threatening or dominant

Birds Eye View-an unnatural angle which can make objects seem strange, also places the audience in a god like position, looking down on action.

Canted Angle- an off killer shot which often suggests confusion, disorientation or drunkenness/ sleepiness

Eye Level- neutral shot, gives the impression that we are watching action unfold.

Mise-en-Scene (MES)
- whats in the frame; broken into different categories:
1) Positioning and body language
3)Hair, makeup and costume
4)setting and props                                             

 Birds Eye View

Canted Angle


Eye Level

High Angle

Low Angle

- The study of media language is called Semiology- made by Roland Barthes.
Semiology is the study of signs and symbols and their use of interpretation (how they communicate meaning)
-Denotation is the dictionary and literal meaning on a word
- Connotation is the emotional feeling behind the word

Stuart Hall- Reception Theory
-He suggests there are three ways of viewing a text:
-Dominant: accepting the ideological viewinng messages behind the text- you accept the Daily Mails point of view.
-Negotiated: In the middle - mixed feelings
-Oppositional: Disagree with the news- have a total opposite opinion

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