
-How media forms target, reach and address audiences & how they respond.

Target audience= is the intended audience of anything. Its a particular group of consumers within the predetermined target market.

We organise them into different categories:
  1. age
  2. occupation
  3. gender 
  4. education
Occupation groups:
A- lawyers, doctors, well-paid professionals
B- teacher, middle management, fairly paid
C1-junior management, clerk, nurse
C2- plumber, "blue collar"
D- manual workers
E- students, unemployed, pensioners

A psychometric audience profile defines an audience by how they think and consider their values, attitudes and lifestyles(VAL's) :

Aspirer- seeks status, wants status brands that know their place in society

Explorer-seeks discovery, discover new things and are attracted to new brands

Mainstreamer- seeks security, makes up 40% of the population, likes trusted brands

Reformer-  seek enlightenment, defined by self-esteem and self-improvemeent

Resigned- seek survival, predominantly older people who have built up attitudes over time

Struggler- seek to escape, doesn't think about future, sees themselves as victims

Succeeder- seek control, high social status and are in control of their lives

The effects/ hypodermic needle model
The idea that the media has total control over the way you think and behave. This suggests the media is powerful and oppressive and can control the passive audience by injecting their minds with messages, causing them to think a particular way.

Albert Bandura- media effects:
- the media can influence people directly- human values, judgement, and conduct can be altered by media modelling.

Uses and Gratification theory
If you believe you have control of what you watch and in fact, you use the media more than it uses you.
-the audience knows what they want so they use the media to satisfy their needs into 4 categories:

  • Surveillance- seeking information
  • Personal Identity- texts which reinforce your values/beliefs
  • Personal Relationships- connection
  • Diversion- escapism

  • Some media texts aim to attract a broad audience while others are for niche audiences with a specific interest.

 Stuart Hall:
-An active audience engages, interprets and responds to a media text in different ways and is capable of challenging the ideas encoded in it
-passive audience is more likely to accept the messages encoded in a media text without challenge and are therefore more likely to be directly affected by the messages.
-He suggests there are three ways to read a text:

  1. Preferred Reading: when the audience responds to the text in the way the producer wants them to- they agree with the messages conveyed.
  2. Negotiated Reading: when the audience responds by accepting and rejecting certain elements.
  3. Oppositional Reading: When the audience understands the preferred meaning but chooses to oppose it - they have their own viewpoints/opinions.


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