Big Issue revision- practical task

What is the purpose and ethos of the Big Issue? The Big Issue as a brand is considered to be a business that functions to produce money, which is socially invested to create employment and ease poverty for people rather than providing profit for those who own it. They give jobs to homeless people or those in need by giving them the role of street vendors to sell magazines so they can get back on track The Big issue ethos is to represent those who are underrepresented They are left-leaning, socialist and don't actually have a specific leaning Big Issue conventions and house style: Very colourful colour palettes- easier to sell Cartoonist and lots of editing/photoshop used Features celebrities who have made a positive impact on the world/share socialist views- Greta Thurnburg, David tennant, Marcus Rashford Attentive on issues such as climate change, racism, poverty Big bold typaface House style is diverse- they are experimental Intertextuality Top 3 covers: I have chosen this cove...